Sometimes Hydrogen Executor users face crashing issues or errors while using its latest version. If you are one of them and want to Fix Hydrogen Executor Crash, don’t worry because you are in the right place.
People are searching for How they can fix the Hydrogen Crashing issue and they want to know what is the reason for the crashing issues in Android devices, Android tablets, PC, and Macs.
Hence, we created this post to guide the users in Fixing the Hydrogen Executor crash issue.
We are pretty sure after reading this section, you get more help and will be able to know what is the reason for the crash and How you can fix it because we have covered all the information about the crash of Hydrogen Executor when launching the latest version.
Without wasting your time let’s get started:
Reson of Hydrogen Executors Crash
Usually, most users almost have no awareness before launching the Hydrogen Executor on our devices that storage permission is necessary for launching the Hydrogen latest version. The reason is that old version of the Hydrogen Executors was asking for storage permissions when the user launched it.
Hence, the new version sometimes does not show any popup or other notification for asking storage permission, users continue to use the Hydrogen executors without enabling the storage permissions or cleaning some storage of our devices as a result Hydrogen Executor crashes while launching it.
This is the main reason for crashing Hydrogen Executor’s latest version while launching it. So, if you are facing this issue then don’t skip reading this post please continue because we share below how you can fix of Hydrogen Executor crash on Andriod, PC, Tablet, and MacOS Laptop.
How Can I Fix Hydrogen Executor Crash On Andriod, Mac, iOS, and PC?
You can solve the problem of this issue easily by enabling storage permission manually on your device.
If you don’t it will be done then don’t worry the process enabling storage manually is shared step by step below in this section. After reading and getting help from this post you will be able to fix the issue of Hydrogen Executor crash.
Enable Storage Permission For Hydrogen Executor
Do you have any device and face the Hydrogen Executor crash issue when launching it on a device such as an Andriod phone, Andriod Tablet, PC Windows, Mac or Laptop, etc?
Are you a newbie and don’t know the process of enabling the storage manually on our device? So I recommend you follow the steps shared below:
On Andriod Phone Devices
If you have an Andriod phone device and want to manually enable the storage permission on it for Roblox Executor, follow the steps shared here.
- Firstly, open your phone and go to the settings icon.
- After this, open phone settings by clicking on it.
- Then, go to the Apps and select the Roblox App.
- Now, a ”Permission” option will appear click on it.
- After clicking on it, you will receive the ”Storage” option.
- Now, press the ”Storage” option, and a new option ”Allow Acess to Media only” will appear on the screen.
That is all about enabling storage permission manually on the Andriod device, now you are successful in getting the storage for Hydrogen Executor.
On Windows OS
If you are looking at how to fix the Hydrogen Executor crash issue by enabling the storage permission manually for the PC, then you know better how to install and run Hydrogen Executor on the PC through Andriod Emulator Bluestacks. If you want to know now then click on the link.
If you are already using Hydrogen on Windows and looking for how to enable storage permission manually on your PC then read the steps that are shared here.
- First of all, if you have already Installed the Hydrogen Executor through the Andriod emulator Blue Stacks then launch the Bluestacks app player.
- When you have launched the Blue Stacks app player, choose the Hydrogen Executor Roblox App.
- Now go to the app icon and where ”App Info” option will appear.
- Now click on this ”App Info” option
- After clicking on this option you will receive another ”Permissions” option.
- Now press this ”Permission” option and turn on the ”Storage” option.
- That’s all.
Now you are successful in solving the Hydrogen Executor crash issue on our PC by enabling storage permission manually.
On Tablet Devices
If you have a Tablet and looking for how you can enable storage permission manually on an Andriod Tablet Device then don’t worry, the below shared steps are about it.
- First of all, open your Tablet and go to the setting option.
- Now click on the settings option here and look for the app section.
- Hence, go to the Hiden option in the app section.
- When you go to the Hiden option you will look ”Permission Manager” option and tap on it.
- Now press on the ”Files and Media” option and select the Hydrogen Executor Roblox app.
- In the end, there will be two options one is ”Allow all the time” and the second is ”Allow only while using the app” its your choice to choose one.
You are successful through this process in enabling the storage permission manually for Hydrogen Executor on Andriod Tablet.
On MacOS
Most of the time on macOS Hydrogen Executor launches without crashing. We have never seen such error on iMacs and Macbooks.
MacOS is one which is different from other devices such as Andriod OS, Tablet, and PC. If you are facing this issue and want to fix the Hydrogen Executor crash then don’t skip to reading the steps which are given below.
- First, open your Mac or Apple and go to its Menu.
- Then open the ”Setting” of your Apple
- After this go to the ”Accessibility” option and hold it.
- Now select the Hydrogen Executor Roblox app from the app list.
- Hence, if you do not find the Hydrogen app on the list then search for Hydrogen it will appear on the list if you have before installed it.
- Once, you have added the Hydrogen Roblox app you can enable the storage permission manually on MacOS.
That’s all about enabling the storage permission and fixing Hydrogen Executor crash issues on devices. After getting help from our post you will feel ourself lucky because everything is shared completely.